How to Sell Diamonds in Denver
There is a chance that you have some diamonds lying around your home right now. These may be in the form of old engagement or wedding rings, necklaces or bracelets that you don’t wear anymore, or jewelry that has just been passed down to you. While diamond jewelry is often sentimental and there are undoubtedly many pieces you would never want to part with, you may have some that you no longer have any need for.
Did you know that you can turn your diamonds into easy cash? There are diamond buyers in Denver that will offer you a fair price for diamonds you currently have just lying around the house. There are times when we could all use some extra money. So let’s take a look at how to sell diamonds in Denver.
How Do You Tell the Value of a Diamond?
For many types of precious items – such as metals – telling the value is quite easy. You simply calculate the price by the amount of metal and its weight. However, when it comes to gemstones and diamonds, the process is much more complicated.
The value of a diamond has a great deal to do with its appearance. After all, people really want diamonds that are shiny and beautiful, that is why diamonds that have ideal qualities are going to be worth more. Diamond buyers in Denver or elsewhere will carefully exam a diamond in order to identify its different qualities, such as color, cut, clarity and weight, by using that information to determine its actual market value.
The Different Qualities of Diamonds
There are four primary qualities of diamonds that will affect their value. If you want to sell diamond jewelry in Denver, the price offered for your diamonds will depend on these four factors.
The first factor to consider when determining the quality of a diamond is carat. Note that this is not the same as the karat referred to in gold. With diamonds, a carat refers to weight. Specifically, one carat of a diamond is 200 milligrams. Therefore, a five-carat diamond would weigh a full gram.
This is a fairly easy quality to understand when thinking about selling your diamond jewelry in Denver. The heavier the diamond, the more value it has and the more money you get. However, there are several other qualities that can affect the overall value.
Diamonds are formed deep in the earth when carbon is exposed to both high temperature and high pressure. Most diamonds are not perfectly formed. They have various imperfections. This is what is referred to when discussing clarity.
When a diamond buyer in Denver assesses your diamond for clarity, they will use a magnifying tool to give it a grade. These grades look at inclusions (issues on the inside) and blemishes (those on the outside). The grade will range from FL (flawless) to I3 (badly included). The more flawless the diamond, the more it is worth.
You may not realize that diamonds have various different colors. This is because the most common color is essentially colorless (often referred to as white). You can also find diamonds in various colors like yellow, pink, and blue. Again, color is assessed by a diamond buyer in Denver using a graded system of samples.
For white diamonds, the ideal condition is to be as colorless as possible, which allows light to more easily pass through the stone. In layman’s terms, the diamond is more sparkly. Color is graded ranging from D (the best value) to Z (tinted yellow). Lower letters indicates that a diamond is worth less.
The final quality that will be assessed when you decide to sell diamond jewelry in Denver is cut. Diamonds are cut in order to enhance the ability of light to be reflected by the diamond, making it more sparkly. Cut is actually more complex than it sounds as an ideal cut will maximize the interaction of light with different angles of the diamond.
The proportions of the diamond’s shape combined with the level of polish of its surface affect a diamond’s sparkle, brightness, and scattering. Thus, the proportions and polish are the major factors assessed in terms of cut. A cut that brings about more positive properties, and more sparkle, has more value.
Does an Appraisal Affect Selling Diamonds in Denver?
Many people make the mistake of assuming that a diamond’s appraisal will tell you its market value. However, this is not the case. A diamond appraisal is quite subjective. It constitutes one person’s opinion about a diamond and is usually inflated.
The main purpose of a diamond appraisal is not to guarantee its value but rather to allow it to be insured by your insurance company. It is not meant to be a statement of a ring’s resale value. Instead, determining the true value of a diamond requires a process called certification.
What is Diamond Certification?
Certification means that your diamond has been assessed by a gemological laboratory. There are several including the Gemological Institute of America and American Gem Society Laboratories. This represents a professional assessment that produces a lab report, which is typically called a certificate.
The lab report of a diamond will clearly detail its various qualities and provide an assessment of its value. Since these laboratories are impartial third parties that are not involved in the transaction, they are considered to be independent authorities capable of providing a more objective value.
However, not all diamonds need to be certified. This process is quite common for larger, more expensive diamonds. Smaller diamonds or those of less value are typically not certified. Non-certified diamonds are far more common on the market.
You can sell a non-certified diamond with Dimond Jewelry Buyers Denver. Typically, a diamond buyer in Denver will have their professionals conduct an assessment of the diamond to determine its value. A certified diamond is not necessarily better than a non-certified one. It just means that a more objective value of it has been assessed. This value will vary depending on the qualities of the diamond.
Selling Diamonds in Denver
If you are looking to sell diamonds in Denver, we are happy to answer any questions that you have. You can also stop by our shop in order to have a free assessment and offer for your diamond. Our professionals will examine your diamonds for carat, clarity, color, and cut in determining the fair market value.